I have a large macro doing multiple things only problem is that i can only run it once then have to shut down and open again if i want to run it again. The reason for this is that part of the macro creates new worksheets, and when the new worksheet is created it is automatically numbered as Sheet 1, Sheet 2 etc for a few new worksheets.
My problem is when i run it a second time the new work sheets will be created as the next number in the sequence.
i.e. the first round creates 2 new worksheets nameed Sheet 1 and Sheet 2, my macro references Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. How ever when i run it agian, it deletes Sheet1 and Sheet 2 and creates Sheet 3 and Sheet 4. My macro does not reference Sheet 3 and Sheet 4. You see my problem.
Everytime i shut excel down it resets the numbering, is there anyway to do this in my macro without shuting down excel?