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Macro thats runs every minute is copying too much data

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    New York
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2016

    Macro thats runs every minute is copying too much data

    I have the following code that is supposed to copy data once every 30 seconds throughout the day. Every 30 seconds the RunEveryXMinute code is copying data two or three times instead of just once. Can anyone explain why this is happening?

    Option Explicit
    Dim icount As Integer, Inumber As Integer, rStart As Range
    Sub CopyLiveTradeData()
        Application.OnTime TimeValue("09:34:00"), "StartOnTime"
    End Sub
    Private Sub StartOnTime()
        icount = 0
        Inumber = 1000
        Workbooks("historical data run (thomson)_live").Worksheets("Live Data").Select
        Call OnTimeMacro
    End Sub
    Private Sub OnTimeMacro()
        If icount <= Inumber Then
            icount = icount + 1
            Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:30"), "RunEveryXMinute"
            Workbooks("historical data run (thomson)_live").Worksheets("Live Data").Select
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub RunEveryXMinute()
        Dim rDate As Range
        Dim dt As Date
        Dim rCopyFrom As Range
        Dim rCopyTo As Range
        Dim rTrade As Range
        Dim sh As Worksheet
        Dim iRowsToSkip As Integer
        iRowsToSkip = 27
        Set sh = Workbooks("historical data run (thomson)_live").Worksheets("Live Data")
        With sh
            Set rDate = .Range("N1")
            dt = rDate.Value
            Set rCopyFrom = .Range("O59").Resize(1, 2)
            Set rTrade = .Range("T79")
            On Error GoTo EF
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Do While rCopyFrom.Cells(1, 1).Value <> ""
                Set rCopyTo = rTrade
                If rCopyTo.Value <> "" Then
                    If rCopyTo.Offset(0, 1).Value <> "" Then
                        Set rCopyTo = rCopyTo.End(xlToRight)
                    End If
                    Set rCopyTo = rCopyTo.Offset(0, 1)
                End If
                Set rCopyTo = rCopyTo.Resize(3, 1)
                With rCopyTo.Cells(1, 1)
                    rDate.Copy        'for format
                    .Value = dt
                    .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:= _
                            xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
                End With
                rCopyFrom.Cells(1, 1).Copy
                rCopyTo.Cells(2, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
                        xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
                rCopyFrom.Cells(1, 2).Copy
                rCopyTo.Cells(3, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
                        xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
                With rCopyTo.Font
                    .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
                    .ColorIndex = 2
                    .TintAndShade = 0
                End With
                Set rCopyFrom = rCopyFrom.Offset(iRowsToSkip, 0)
                Set rTrade = rTrade.Offset(iRowsToSkip, 0)
        End With
        Call OnTimeMacro
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2003,excel 2007

    Re: Macro thats runs every minute is copying too much data

    a guess

    Is not 30 seconds very short time for running the macro.the macro probably takes more than 30 seconds to run. so some things are repeated. Make the frequency one or two minutes and check or time the macro running and then adjust the frequency

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