Hello everyone. I recently developed some script which will produce a series of folders based on a user inputing a date that it is enetered in a message box using the dd-mmm-yyyy format. The date that is entered is always the last day of a quarter. So for example it will be one of the following:
i. March 31
ii. June 30
iii. September 30
iv. December 31
Now what I have are four folders labeled
1. 1 Quarter
2. 2 Quarter
3. 3 Quarter
4. 4 Quarter
And here is where I am stuck If the user enters a date of say 30-Jun-2010 as you can see form the code below it will produce the following:
A. a folder labeled 30-Jun-2010...and some subfolders
B. a folder labeled 31-May-2010...and some subfolders
C. a folder labeled 30-Apr-2010...and some subfolders
Now what I cannot fogure out is how to take A,B and C and place them into the 2 Quarter folder. Similairyl if a user enters the date of 31-Mar-2010 then the folders that are created by the script need to be put into the 1 Quarter folder...and so on. Any help is appreciated.
Dim fDate As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim fDatePrevious1 As String
Dim fDatePrevious2 As String
Dim fDatePrevious3 As String
Dim fPriorDate1 As String
Dim fPriorDate2 As String
Dim fPriorDate3 As String
Sub CreateFolder()
'CreateFolder() macro creates the folders for the 157 Automation process.
Dim Fldr As String
Dim ErrBuf As String
fDate = Application.InputBox("Enter a date in the format shown:", "Date to add...", Format(Date, "DD-MMM-YYYY"))
If fDate = "False" Then Exit Sub
fDatePrevious1 = DateSerial(Year(fDate) - 1, Month(fDate), 0)
fPriorDate1 = Format(fDatePrevious1, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
fDatePrevious2 = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate) - 1, 0)
fPriorDate2 = Format(fDatePrevious2, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
fDatePrevious3 = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate) - 2, 0)
fPriorDate3 = Format(fDatePrevious3, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
fPath = "L:\"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_Disclosure"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate1 & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
Fldr = fPath & fPriorDate2 & "_157\" & "105_Reports"
MkDir Fldr
If Len(ErrBuf) > 0 Then MsgBox "The following folders already existed:" & vbLf & vbLf & ErrBuf
Exit Sub
ErrBuf = ErrBuf & vbLf & Fldr
Resume Next
End Sub