I have a macro from work that I would like to edit. It currently uses vbYesNo and I would like to make it vbYesNoCancel. If cancel is selected I would like for it to start over.The original author used a method I am not familiar with. Please help.

MSG = MsgBox("Was MRA created within 2 days of invoice date?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)

'This is Yes
If MSG = 6 Then
GoTo Question2
End If

'This is No
If MSG = 7 Then
displaymsg = "Return to customer"
Range("D" & 6 + MSGCOUNTER).Formula = displaymsg
Result = "07"
Resultdef = "Return Code 07 - Return to Customer...Finalize with code ''07'' with comment ''received item 1234''"
GoTo FinalQuestion