Good Day Forum Members

I have a little query which I present to you all for a possible solution. I have an excel workbook with two sheets. First sheet is named “Data” and second is named “Deposit Slip”.

I have a few columns in “Data” in which the details of various banking instruments are input. Column A in “Data” is of serial number whereby every new entry is given a numeric progressive serial number e.g. 5431, 5432, 5433 and so forth.

“Deposit Slip” consists of a bank’s replica of a pay-in slip in which the information from “Data” is gathered using various formulae including VLOOKUP etc. The focal point of all this is the serial number which allows for the data sorting, selection and displaying information from “Data” to “Deposit Slip”.

Now the problem is that, everyday almost 50 new entries are made in “Data” and then all the serial numbers are needed to be typed in one be one in “Deposit Slip” and print out is taken after each and every input of serial number in cell 4 of column AC of “Deposit Slip”.

New entries made in “Data” from serial number 5450 to serial number 5500. Now, I need to input one by one the serial number in Cell 4 of Column AC of “Deposit Slip” so that the formulae will pick up and display information in “Deposit Slip” and then I will print out the sheet. It means that I have to input 50 serial numbers and press print 50 times.

I wish to define a range of serial numbers in “Deposit Slip” like FROM 5450 TO 5500 so that I had to input the range only and all 50 different pay in slips are printed out with a single command. I wish to have macro for that. Unfortunately, I have no expertise in recording macros. Any help will be genuinely appreciated.