I've made a script that will auto-fill a list of dates between a user-specified range of dates, randomly mix them up using the sort function, skims off a user-specified sample of those dates from the top of the sorted list, and then copy/paste them onto Sheet1 in order based on time.
I previously had the script set up only for dates from 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010, giving the user no option to specify dates. I then copied/pasted the same dates without weekends so as to give the user an option of running the script to exclude weekend dates. I soon learned that excluding weekends was much more difficult when the dates are generated as opposed to manually added. In a perfect world, I would have one macro that would have a checkbox for Exclude Weekends? but I'm not opposed to having two different macros and two different run buttons. I've been working on this all afternoon and would very much appreciate any help I could get. I've attached the file.
Any coding suggestions are also very much appreciated, as I'm very new to VBA and I've already implemented many suggestions.