Hi there,
I was hoping that comeone could help me with the principles behind this.
Basically I have for example 10 different spreadsheets with all different reports, e.g expendibles, etc.
For this exmaple I would call them Report 1, report 2 report 3 etc.
Within each report I have done a macro which has seperated each tab to a corresponding area, for example area 1, area 2 etc.
What I want to do now, is "take" each area from each report, e.gs all the area 1s, and put them in order into a new spreadsheet and name that spreadsheet area 1.
Is it possible for someone to help with the first two areas in this example please?
So basically just to explain again, I would want Area 1 from report one, put into new spreadsheet named area 1, then go to report 2 put it into the new spreadsheet, then when all 10 are done, go to area 2 and repeat until all area are done.
Any help would be great