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correct infinite loop

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    Question correct infinite loop


    I am running a private sub in a worksheet (pasted below)
    In this sub it highlights the colorindex of cells. I had to do this because 2003 only allows 3 conditional formats. This part works fine, but when I try to add and accumulators it gets stuck in an infinte loop. For some reason the for each will not break with any or all of the 4 accumulators. As soon as I take them out it works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thank You
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
     Dim BSA1 As Variant
     Dim BSA2L1 As Variant
     Dim BSA2L2 As Variant
     Set BSA1 = Range("E6:E1500")
     Set BSA2L1 = Range("AB6:AB1500")
     Set BSA2L2 = Range("AX6:AX1500")
     Dim Cell As Variant
     Dim CellBSA1CK As Variant
     Dim CellBSA1King As Variant
     Dim CellBSA1Queen As Variant
     Dim CellBSA1Dbl As Variant
     Set CellBSA1CK = Range("M1")
     Set CellBSA1King = Range("M2")
     Set CellBSA1Queen = Range("M3")
     Set CellBSA1Dbl = Range("M4")
     CellBSA1CK.Value = 0
     CellBSA1King.Value = 0
     CellBSA1Queen.Value = 0
     CellBSA1Dbl.Value = 0
       For Each Cell In BSA1
            If Cell.Value > 138 And Cell.Value < 148 Then
                Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
                CellBSA1Dbl.Value = CellBSA1Dbl.Value + 1      <----- Accumulator 1
            End If
            If Cell.Value > 156 And Cell.Value < 166 Then
                Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
                CellBSA1Queen.Value = CellBSA1Queen.Value + 1 <----- Accumulator 2
            End If
            If Cell.Value > 196 And Cell.Value < 206 Then
                Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
                CellBSA1King.Value = CellBSA1King.Value + 1 <----- Accumulator 3
            End If
            If Cell.Value > 217 And Cell.Value < 227 Then
                Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 46
                CellBSA1CK.Value = CellBSA1CK.Value + 1 <----- Accumulator 4
            End If
            If Cell.Value < 138 Or Cell.Value >= 148 And Cell.Value <= 156 Or Cell.Value >= 166 And Cell.Value <= 196 Or Cell.Value >= 206 And Cell.Value <= 217 Or Cell.Value >= 227 Then
                Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
            End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by romperstomper; 07-28-2010 at 09:31 AM. Reason: added code tags

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