Two part question here. First one should be easy but the second could give trouble. I've scoured Google, and found similar solutions but I'm missing some key element. Here's what I'm looking to do:
I’m trying to have a portion of a row of cells (between 2 and 4 cells long) shift left or right according to the date that is entered to the far left. For example, if 01/01/10 is entered, the macro would shift the cells of that row so they begin at January while keeping them adjacent to one another.
Nextly, below that I would like to excel to chose the date automatically based on an optimization that would minimize monthly sums. In the attached file, I'd only need the optimization on the top section (Remaining Capital), since the bottom section does not have the same practical flexibility.
In conclusion, the first question should be a breeze, I just wish I knew or had the time to better learn vba programming. The second question might be out of the scope of this forum. I appreciate any help that can be lent.