hello again 
the last time i was posting here, i had a question about updating headers in multiple worksheets. Teylyn offered me some great advice - at this point I'd like to say thanks again. I built up a lot on this code, and it really helps me every day.
I'm still working on multiple updates of various tables, sheets, cells, headers....
however, today i've come across a challenge which I am not able to pass alone 
I'm trying to achieve the following:
I have 5 excel FILES in a folder.
what i would like to do now is to update a certain cell (or the header, doesnt matter..) in all 5 files. is this even possible with VBA?
starting with the code from the last post, i think the line with the activeworkbook-code is where the change has to be. the problem is that i don't know where to start 
any help or advice would be very much appreciated! 