hello there
i'm new to this forum but have been reading here for a while. I've also tried the search function but it didnt come up with a proper solution, so I hope it's ok if I immediately start off with a question :

I have an excel file with several sheets.
Every sheet has a header. What I am trying to achieve is to change the header information of all headers by just changing the value of a cell in another sheet.

i'm not sure if my explanation was clear enough, so here is an example:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 have the same header:
"Annual Report 2010"
i want 2010 to become 2011 if i change a certain cell in Sheet4

here is what i've come up with so far:

Sub CellInHeader()
With ActiveSheet
.PageSetup.CenterHeader = .Range("=A20").Text
End With
End Sub
this code works fine, but it only changes the header for the active sheet AND it does change the whole header. is there a way to just change a part of the header? like just the year of "Annual Report 2010"?

any tips, help or advices would be very much appreciated!