Hello Pike,
Thanks for your answer, I created the Userform and added this code to it and it worked well.
However one little (but important for me) disadvantage still remains in both your suggested and my solutions, compared to original "activate" window.
This issue is selecting items when typing on keyboard to select the item.
For example when you have 3 worksheets with these names: Pike, Okili, John.
I want to type "John" fast and press enter to navigate to John's sheet. In our versions typing John will make it to select John first (when j is pressed on keyboard) and then Okili (when o is pressed). So that after typing John and pressing enter, Okili's sheet will be activated. In original (built-in) version, when you type anything it does not check only the first letter, but others too.
Hope I wrote the problem clearly, if not please tell me and will try to explain in other way.