Hi All,
I am new to this place & i am wrking on some automation i tried a lot and finally gave up, so my last option is to check with the Experts. I hope i will get the solution here or else i have to drop out the Automation itself. Kindly assist me. Here r the details
1) I have a fields from col J to Col N, not in all the fields data (Numbers) are available (Randam data)
2)The data is color coded in Blue (Font.ColorIndex = 5)
3) Logic : first the conduction should check for Col J then if there is no color code then it should move to Col K, then to Col L, Col M, Col N.
4) If in either of this field data is available with color code then it should copy and paste the data into next tab.
5) Next step is it should move to next Row to search for the above conduction.
Eg :
Col J Col K Col L Col M Col N
Row 1 : 1.0 2.0
Row 2 : 1.0
Row 3 : 1.0 1.0 1.0
Row 4 : 1.0
Only logic is in each row it should search for data with color font Blue if its there then i should copy the entire row to new sheet or it should move to next Row. But the same entry should not repeat twice.
Eg in Row 3 there are 3 entires in the same row so it should copy and paste it only once to next tab.
I hope i have explained it better & i will get the solution for the same.....
Guys....... Plz help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!11