
I'm new to VBA but I've been getting on well using excels macro recorder and working out what aspects of the VBA formula relate to which functions being performed or typing in problems in my search engine to get answers....

however i've been stuck on the following for a few hours now.

I have an excel file with a date always in a particular cell, lets say A1, sheet 1, the date format is yy/mm/dd although this could easily be altered. I need to ask VBA to take this date and search a given filepath for a filename with this particular date in the title.
The titles will be of the format: time_yy/mm/dd.txt
i.e. they will begin with 4 characters defining the time which will vary and be unimportant, then the date characters which is the basis on which I need to search to be performed.

How do I ask VBA to search for a file title where some of the characters are unknown.

I then need it to import the file into my active excel spreadsheet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've tried a few variations of code but can't seem to work it out alone.
