Hi All,
I could use some help as I'm a basic Excel user and am in a bit over my head. What I'm asking for is so beyond me, but I know there are people on here that could do it in their sleep.
I need to enter a number under Pg1 (Column E) and have it automatically turn into a score out of 70. For example 35 + Enter Key = 35/70 in the cell, and at the same time having that score enter itself as a percentage in % (Column F). The same must be repeated for Pg2 ( /80), % and finally Total ( /150), % (Column G, H and I, J)
It would be really awesome (but not necessary) if I could get cell color changes for the percentages too!
25% and under = Red, 26% to 50% = Orange, 51% to 74% Yellow, and 75% to 100% = Green.
It looks a little jumbled in type, but I hope the attached sheet clears it up.
Thank you