Delete the first three columns in your example, then insert a new column before each dataset. In those columns, duplicate the Query, so that the data look, in part, like this:
--A-- ----B---- --C-- --D-- ----E---- --F-- --G-- ----H---- --I--
1 Query ID Score Query ID Score Query ID Score
2 Q1 BZB480392 59 Q2 BZB497865 65 Q3 BZB513731 67
3 Q1 BZB472532 59 Q2 BZB498844 65 Q3 BZB463750 64
4 Q1 BZB497865 59 Q2 BZB513731 62 Q3 BZB472532 64
5 Q1 BZB439374 58 Q2 BZB472532 59 Q3 BZB498844 62
That takes 30 seconds (use Ctrl+Enter to enter the same value in multiple cells).
Then select the data (not including headers) for Q2, and drag it to a2:C2 with the Shift key pressed (that means Move). Repeat for Q3 through Q6 data. Now all the data is in three columns, head to tail.
That takes another 30 seconds.
The sort the whole ensemble by ID and Query:
--A-- ----B---- --C--
1 Query ID Score
2 Q4 BZB420306 54
3 Q4 BZB420676 50
4 Q3 BZB425296 53
5 Q3 BZB426247 51
6 Q3 BZB430604 50
7 Q4 BZB432794 53
8 Q2 BZB433021 55
9 Q3 BZB433021 56
That takes five seconds. Now you have a database.
For the remaining 55 seconds, sip your coffee and admire your work.