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Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

  1. #1
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    Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Hello. I am new to manipulating excel via VBA. I am trying to conditionally hide an entire coloumn based on a cell result in the given column. I have gotten only the below code to work.
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    I can get this to hide coloumn B as I want, but it only works for coloumn B (obviously). I want it to work for a range of coloumns from B to BA such that B3=0-->hide colB , C3=""-->display col C , D3=0-->hide colD , ... etc. up to coloumn BA

    I'm assuming the answer is as simple as nesting the above code in a while loop or something similar from B:BA, but I don't have the know-how to program such a macro.

    Thanks in Advance!
    Last edited by montego; 07-01-2010 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    This is one option
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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    Hi Dave;
    Shouldn't this line
    Quote Originally Posted by davesexcel View Post
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    I'm also curious. Mose people use Intersect() instead of Union(). Is there a reason you don't?

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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    Thank you both for your comments.

    I was also curious about the range being B1:BA100, as the cell I want to reference the columns to is the 3rd row only, with other rows containing other information.

    Dave: I tried copying/pasting your code and I couldn't get it to work. I tried changing the range as foxguy suggested, but no dice. This code is run after any event in Excel correct?

    Out of all the code I found the code in the original post is the only one I have had work so far. (Yes, I know, I suck at VBA).

    Some other codes I tried with no success...

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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    This code is run after any event in Excel correct?
    Not all code is run after every event.
    1) Code has to be in the sheet's module to run after an event. (Right Mouse click the sheet's tab and select "View Code")
    2) The different macros run after different events.
    Worksheet_Change runs after you change any cell's value (or a macro changes a cell's value).
    Worksheet_SelectionChange runs after you change selection in the sheet.

    So it depends on when you want the macro to run. If you want it to constantly be checking to see if cells B3:BA3 have changed put it into Worksheet_SelectionChange, but if you only want to check if B3:BA3 has been changed then put into Worksheet_Change
    I'm pretty sure that everyone would recommend you put it into Worksheet_Change

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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    Ok, Thanks.

    I'll probably eventually have it set so it only runs when the cells change, but for now I want to run it off of selection change to see if the code works.

    Again, Thanks for clearing that up for me.

  7. #7
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    Talking Code WORKS


    Your Code Works! I'm pretty sure it is doing exactly what I want it to. I didn't think it was working because it was toggled based off when B3:BA3 Values change right? that's
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    I changed the code to...

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    in order to update with selection change (Thanks Foxguy for clearing that up!!) in order to test the code was working, AND IT WORKED!

    I'm still curious why the Range its referencing are rows 1:100, but, it seems to be working

    Any one care to elaborate on why the B1:B100 Range Works?

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    Re: Code WORKS

    Quote Originally Posted by montego View Post
    I'm still curious why the Range its referencing are rows 1:100, but, it seems to be working
    Any one care to elaborate on why the B1:B100 Range Works?
    You will discover that it hides the column when you change ANY cell in rows 1:100 to 0.
    If you want it to hide the column only when row 3 is changed to 0 then use B3:BA3

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    Uhoh, problems

    I was messing around and noticed that alhtough the code worked the first time, when I scrolled over it hid every coloumn from B:BA, regardless of what was in row 3 of each coloumn. Deleted code in VBA editor, repasted it, scrolled through the sheet again and seems to be working.

    Overall it looks like the code works, but gets screwed up when I manually unhide hidden columns by right clicking and then unhide. Deleting the Code and Repasting seems to fix it.
    Last edited by montego; 07-01-2010 at 12:50 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Uhoh, problems

    Quote Originally Posted by montego View Post
    I was messing around and noticed that alhtough the code worked the first time, when I scrolled over it hid every coloumn from B:BA, regardless of what was in row 3 of each coloumn
    Without seeing your workbook, I would guess that the line
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    is not working right.

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    Re: Code WORKS

    Quote Originally Posted by foxguy View Post
    You will discover that it hides the column when you change ANY cell in rows 1:100 to 0.
    If you want it to hide the column only when row 3 is changed to 0 then use B3:BA3
    Hmm, Well where does it reference Row 3 to check against?

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    Re: Uhoh, problems

    Quote Originally Posted by foxguy View Post
    Without seeing your workbook, I would guess that the line
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    is not working right.
    Ok, This probably has something to it jumping out of the code after scrolling. I assume If it's just reference to cell value changes (as in the original code posted by Dave), It should Work...I'll keep you updated.

    Thank you Again!

  13. #13
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    Re: Code WORKS

    Quote Originally Posted by montego View Post
    Hmm, Well where does it reference Row 3 to check against?
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    Will hide the column when ANY cell in rows 1:100 changes to 0
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    Will hide the column only when row 3 changes to 0

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    Re: Code WORKS

    Hi montego;

    FYI: after a column is hidden, if you want to unhide it, just have a macro change the contents of the cell in row 3 to "" or any other value except 0. This will trigger Worksheet_Change again and unhide the column

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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    AHHH OK!

    Things are making sense now! $B$3:$B$A$3 Is what I want and only referenced off those changing values.
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    Foxguy: Thank you for all your help and your extremely quick responses. I 'approved' your response on your first post, but I am unable to do it for the other posts because I'm a newb. Anything else I can do for you?

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    Re: Conditionally Hiding Coloumns based on cell result

    Quote Originally Posted by montego View Post
    Foxguy: Thank you for all your help and your extremely quick responses. I 'approved' your response on your first post, but I am unable to do it for the other posts because I'm a newb. Anything else I can do for you?
    Nope, that does it. I'm on my way out the door. If any thing else comes up, I'll be back in 4 hours.

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    Re: Code WORKS

    Quote Originally Posted by foxguy View Post
    Hi montego;

    FYI: after a column is hidden, if you want to unhide it, just have a macro change the contents of the cell in row 3 to "" or any other value except 0. This will trigger Worksheet_Change again and unhide the column
    So now I'm thinking I should have two buttons on the sheet. One would be "Show relevant Data"
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    and It would be linked to the Current code Dave poste, Something Like

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    Then the second Button would be "Show All Cells"
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    here is what I am thinking

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    Last edited by montego; 07-01-2010 at 02:30 PM.

  18. #18
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    Re: Code WORKS

    Hi montego;

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Foxguy: I really hate to ask you, but I need a tiny bit more help.

    The code You gave for the command button 2 works great. However, I am not able to get the 'hide coloumn' code to interface correctly. my code....

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    and I get error "Argument not optional"

    Thanks for all the help rendered and in advance for me bugging you one last time.

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Hi montego;

    You have the 2 macros mixed up. This is what you should have assigned to a button.
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    This is the code for Worksheet_Change with the name changed.
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    BTW the error you are getting is saying that the Macro is expecting a "Target", that you can't pass directly from a button.

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Hi, I think I might have confused You.

    I now have two buttons, as shown http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4096/...ebb7db94_b.jpg

    My code is...

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    The bottom half works, and displays all coloumns when clicked. I can't figure out how to get the top button to conditionally hide the cells though. THANKS AGAIN

  22. #22
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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Hi montego;

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    This sub will never hide any columns. It needs a Target passed to it. The code works in Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target as Range) because the cell that is being changed is passed to the sub as Target.
    I assume you get an error when you click "CommandButton1"
    You need to define Target. Since the caption for the button is "Relevant Data" you need to tell the macro what columns are the Relevant Data. Something like this
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    Based on your picture I can't tell what the Relevant Data is. If you have more that 1 Relevant Data (like maybe the Relevant Data changes with the Date, or Part No, or Time of Day, etc.) then 1 button might have a lot of trouble unhiding ONLY the Relevant Data.

  23. #23
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Is this not a solved thread?

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Quote Originally Posted by davesexcel View Post
    Is this not a solved thread?
    The original question was answered and he marked it solved, but then realized that he really wanted more that he thought. He tried to improve on the answer himself, but got confused, so he asked me to help with the addition.

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Quote Originally Posted by foxguy View Post
    The original question was answered and he marked it solved, but then realized that he really wanted more that he thought. He tried to improve on the answer himself, but got confused, so he asked me to help with the addition.
    Exactly, The original code posted by Dave worked, But I realized that I also wanted to be able to manually unhide cells, and then decided I wanted to make the original code also toggled to a button vs. based off cell updates. I can make a new thread If both of you think that is appropriate

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    Quote Originally Posted by montego View Post
    I can make a new thread If both of you think that is appropriate
    I have no problem with leaving it the way it is. This has happened to me before, and this is the first time that a moderator has said anything about it.

    My thoughts are that since the 2nd question is directly related to the original solution, I would leave it here. Any one who looks at the thread because they saw the title, could very easily be interested in the follow up, but I'll follow the moderator's advice.

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    Re: Conditionally Hide Columns based on cell result

    I have created a new thread to deal with this topic. It can be found here: Hiding and Unhiding Entire Columns based on Cell Reference

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    Re: Code WORKS


    This thread has been very useful as I have a similar need. I am trying to hide columns when the value in a row is greater than value in a specfic cell. I modified the code you provided a bit to achieve this but somehow just can get it to fire. As I change the value in the specified cell the columns remain visible. Here is the modified version of the code you provided.

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    Thanks very much for your help!


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