The addin is offered by Iress, an Australian provider of sharemarket software. Iress offers a desktop product used by most Australian stockbrokers, and many Australian online brokers offer a product called WebIress. WebIress includes an optional excel addin called WebIress Market Data Addin for Excel.
The addin creates a menu and provides access to a number of functions relating to sharemarket data including depth, trades, company options, historical prices, etc.
The function in the cell is:
where code is a name I have defined that represents a company's stock code.
When the cell containing the function is double-clicked, this particular function performs a web query and retrieves/displays data for a number of defined fields.
As I mentioned, the only way I currently know how to run the function and update the data is to double-click the cell with a mouse/touchpad.
As an example of what I am trying to do using VBA, I was hoping to find a way to perform the double-click and combine this with creating/updating a PivotTable that summaries the data retrieved.
Since starting this thread I have sent a query to Iress about this issue. I will post the details of any relevant reply I receive.
Thanks for your continued interest/efforts on this thread.