Hi there, new poster here with a bit of a problem! I’ve been searching all over the internet and here and can’t find out how to exactly do what I need, though from other posts I think it’s possible. I want to be able to have a master workbook that pulls certain cells from all workbooks in a folder and put them in certain cells in the master workbook. I just can’t figure out the code to put to make it work. There are only three cells I need to pull from each workbook: tutor’s last name (C2), tutor’s first name (C3), and hours (C4). These cells need to go into columns A,B, and C, respectively, of the master workbook in order to have a list of all tutors and how many hours they tutored so they can be paid accordingly. Another thing is that on the master workbook the area where the info is to be placed starts on the 8th row. I don’t know if that complicates things or not, but if it does I can redo the layout.
The organization I work for has so many papers right now that too much time is wasted and there are still errors since it is done manually which means that, unfortunately, sometimes tutors don’t get paid what they deserve. If anyone knows how to do this or can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it! I attached the links to 3 spreadsheets, 1 master workbook and 2 individual tutor sheets. I use Excel 2007 by the way. And again, if this has already been asked/done just post a link and I’ll try to figure it out before bothering again!