I have the following in a cell
=IF(OR(K2=I2, K2>I2),"Complete","")
If this is true and the cell contains Complete I want to fill the range A2:S2 with a color instead of being no fill. Is this doable?
I have the following in a cell
=IF(OR(K2=I2, K2>I2),"Complete","")
If this is true and the cell contains Complete I want to fill the range A2:S2 with a color instead of being no fill. Is this doable?
Last edited by CoachBarker; 06-16-2010 at 06:20 AM.
Try conditional formatting
Highlight A2:S2
Formula is ($D2 = your cell that returns "Complete")
Applies to
Your formatting
Hope this helps.
If you need any further information, please feel free to ask further
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Sorry to jump back. This works for 1 row, but I can't figure out how to apply it to Row 2 thru Row 55. Do I have to do the same conditional formatting for each individual row?
Sorry again, I had the wrong formula in the rest of the cells for the formatting, changed that and now it works.
Last edited by CoachBarker; 06-16-2010 at 06:35 AM.
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