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How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?

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  1. #1
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    Question How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?

    Hello everyone,
    Thanks for all the great help on these forum, I've been reading lots and learning from all the great responses. This one seems to elude me.

    I have named a set range equal to cell B8. I want to change the range if cell b8 contains only one hyphen and keep that range if it has 2 and warn if it has more than 2 hyphens.

    so B8 looks usually like " 10-123-01" or "10-123"
    Here is what the pseudo code looks like:

    Set xlWkb = XL.Workbooks.Open(varFile) 'opening the workbook to upload
    sheet = "Corr-Score" ' setting the sheet with the data needed
    Set xlWks = xlWkb.Worksheets(sheet)
    Set xlTestNoRng = xlWks.Range("B8")
    If xlWks.Range.value *has 2 "-" then leave range as "B8"
    If xlWks.Range.Value *has 1 "-" then change range to B6"

  2. #2
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    Re: How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?


    Broadly you could do something like

    cntr = Len(Range("B8")) - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Range("B8"), "-", ""))
      Select Case cntr
        Case 1
          'reset the named range
        Case 2
          'do nothing
        Case Else
          MsgBox "You have " & cntr & " hyphens"
        End Select
    This will allow you to set it if it is 1, do nothing if it is 2 or give a warning if it is > 2. You may also want to cover the situation where you have no hyphens in the result.



  3. #3
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?


    EDITED POST shg woke me up

    Option Explicit
    Function CountInstances(FindWhat As String, rng As Range) As Integer
        Dim PositionOfChar As Integer
        Dim HowManyChars As Integer
        HowManyChars = 0
        PositionOfChar = InStr(1, rng.Value, FindWhat)
            If PositionOfChar > 0 Then
                CountInstances = CountInstances + 1
                PositionOfChar = InStr(PositionOfChar + 1, rng.Value, FindWhat)
                Exit Do
            End If
    End Function

    Or better still with shgs' suggestion
    Function CountInstances(FindWhat As String, rng As Range) As Integer
        CountInstances = Len(rng.Value) - Len(Replace(rng.Value, FindWhat, ""))
    End Function

    Called with

    NumberOfHyphens = CountInstances("-", Range("B8"))
    or in the worksheet as a UDF
    =CountInstances("-", A1)
    The code is now a bit more flexible it will count any instances of a string in a string.

    =CountInstances("?", A1)

    So your code could be on these lines.
    Sub YourProcedure()
        Dim FileFullName As String, wsName As String
        Dim xlWkb As Workbook
        Dim xlWks As Worksheet
        FileFullName = "K:\Excel Forum\TempOneOffs\Book3.xls"
        Set xlWkb = Workbooks.Open(FileFullName) ' opening the workbook to upload
        wsName = "Corr-Score"                    ' setting the sheet with the data needed
        Set xlWks = xlWkb.Worksheets(wsName)
        With xlWks
            Select Case CountInstances("-", .Range("B8"))
                Case 2
                    .Range("B8") = .Range("B8")
                Case 1
                    .Range("B8") = .Range("B6")
                Case Else
                    'do something else
            End Select
        End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by Marcol; 06-15-2010 at 04:27 AM. Reason: Engaged mouth before brain was in gear!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?

    Another way:
    Sub main()
        Dim r As Range
        Set r = x(Range("B8"))
    End Sub
    Function x(r As Range) As Range
        With r(1)
            Select Case Len(.Value) - Len(Replace(.Value, "-", ""))
                Case 1: Set x = .Parent.Range("B6")
                Case 2: Set x = .Cells
                Case Else: MsgBox "Oops"
            End Select
        End With
    End Function
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  5. #5
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: How to count occurances of a specific character in a range?

    Thanks for wakening me up shg

    I didn't read the question again!!!

    Rather than further clutter the BB I have edited Post #3

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