Hello, could some one please help me with the following:
I have started a macro in Excel 2003 that asks the user for today's date and filters worksheet named E-1. In column AN it filters all dates that are less than or equal to today's date and in column AQ it filters all cells with a value equal to FILLED.
What I need:
For each worksheet: E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-7, E-9, E-10, E-11, E-12, E-15, E-17, E-18 and E-19 the following tasks need to be completed on the filtered data:
1. the filtered data range: AQ:BM needs to be copied;
2. It needs to be pasted special (values) to filtered range: T:AP;
3. the filtered data in column A needs to be copied and pasted to worksheet named: Replaced Positions in column A.
4. the filtered data in range AQ:BM needs to be cleared;
5. the filtered cells in column AQ need their cell values changed to: VACANT.
Please note the following:
I have attached in the .zip file that contains some screen-shots as follows:
1. Before Current Incumbent Data with filter applied.png shows an example of the filter being applied to columns AN and AQ.
2. Before Replacement Data with filter appied.png shows the same example as details above, however i was unable to capture the entire width of the screen-shot in one-picture due to the number of columns involved in the worksheet.
3. After Current Incumbent Data with paste special.png shows where the copied filtered data from range: AQ:BM is pasted special (values) to range T:AP.
4. After Replacement Data with data cleared and column AQ reset to VACANT.png shows that after the paste special (values), the filtered data in range AQ:BM is cleared and then the filtered cells in column AQ have their values set to: VACANT.
5. I have only included some of the worksheets in the attached workbook to save on file space.
If any one could please help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,