I found this macro through the forum (thanks)
it inserts a row or rows, then copies the formulas from the row above - but is then supposed to delete all of the values (but not formulas)
for example: I enter the date (A1) my expected revenue (B1) then formulas calculated the next cells.
I want the macro to create row B with B1 & B2 empty but the formulas in B3...
Here is the macro.
Sub InsertRow(Optional vRows As Long = 0)
' Documented:  http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/insrtrow.htm
' Re: Insert Rows --   1997/09/24 Mark Hill <markhill@charm.net.noSpam>
   ' row selection based on active cell -- rev. 2000-09-02 David McRitchie
   Dim x As Long
   ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select  'So you do not have to preselect entire row
   If vRows = 0 Then
    vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
      "How many rows do you want to add?", Title:="Add Rows", _
      Default:=1, Type:=1) 'Default for 1 row, type 1 is number
    If vRows = False Then Exit Sub
   End If

   'if you just want to add cells and not entire rows
   'then delete ".EntireRow" in the following line

   'rev. 2001-01-17 Gary L. Brown, programming, Grouped sheets
   Dim sht As Worksheet, shts() As String, i As Long
   ReDim shts(1 To Worksheets.Application.ActiveWorkbook. _
   i = 0
   For Each sht In _
    i = i + 1
    shts(i) = sht.Name

    x = Sheets(sht.Name).UsedRange.Rows.Count 'lastcell fixup

    Selection.Resize(rowsize:=2).Rows(2).EntireRow. _
     Resize(rowsize:=vRows).Insert Shift:=xlDown

    Selection.AutoFill Selection.Resize( _
     rowsize:=vRows + 1), xlFillDefault

    On Error Resume Next    'to handle no constants in range -- John McKee 2000/02/01
    ' to remove the non-formulas -- 1998/03/11 Bill Manville
    Selection.Offset(1).Resize(vRows).EntireRow. _
   Next sht
End Sub
It works great - but the values are copied. Did I miss something?

Thanks for the help.