Thanks Daddylonglegs this is exaclty what I am looking for... Greatly appreciated!!!!
One last question for you...
Would it be possible to create a formula in "Days Taken" off if I run a master report out of a database to pull only the days taken off during their anniversary interval...example below...
Jim took 2 days off. One in 1999 and the other in 2010. His anniversary year goes from 5/3/09 to 5/2/10 and then resets. I would want the # of days off of 1 to only pull to the consolidated tab within his anniversary interval. I would have a 2nd tab with the days off pulling to the "Day's Taken" section.
Employee Name Year Taken off Date Taken off # of Days
Cindy 2009 1/1/10 1
Bob 2008 4/1/08 0.5
John 2010 2/1/10 1
Joe 2006 4/1/06 0.5
Jim 1999 4/1/99 1
Jim 2010 5/17/10 1
Please let me know if you can send this last request back with a revised spreadsheet...Thanks so much for your help again![]()