
- Here's another approach ( for ensuring the user has macros enabled. This approach overcomes the fact that a msgbox is not shown if macros are disabled.
I had complete forgotten about this. Thanks for reminding me. I'm putting it into my template right now, so I won't forget it again.

- To apply more of a "structured programming" approach, see if you can remove/decrease your use of "Goto". See this thread for some discussion:
I appreciate the advise. Where did you see a "Goto" that wasn't an "On Error Goto ..."?
I admit that I sometimes use a "Goto" in situations like this
    If Not SomeTest Then
        Change Something Somewhere so that SomeTest will Pass Next Time.
        Goto Label1
    End If
But other than something really simple, I don't use it except in "On Erro Goto ...".