
Before I leave for the day, I wanted to get answers from you, so they will be ready when I get back.

With those clicks which generates this list, hope it will take into account, viewers will click on the cells inadverdently and whole information becomes unreliable.
We can protect sheet("How cells are linked") with a password, so that no one else can use it. Anyone who wants to change the relationships, will have to have the password, so no one can accidentally change them.

Also when this "how cells are linked" are created dynamically, will the data integrity stands when i reopen the spreadsheet.
Yes, when they are created dynamically, they will be stored permanently in sheet("How cells are linked"), and then will still be there when you reopen the file (as long as you save changes).

The questions you ask seem to indicate that sheet("How cells are linked") does not currently exist in your workbook. That's good, I can design it myself to do everything I think you need.

If sheet("How cells are linked") does already exist in your workbook, then please upload an exact copy of your workbook. Make a copy and then delete all information that you don't want anyone to see and then upload it, so I can see the exact layout of sheet("How cells are linked").

If it doesn't exist, then this is how I propose we set it up so no one but you can accidentally destroy relationships. I think the only thing you might have to worry about is if someone moves data around on the sheet, but I think we can even protect against that.

Hide sheet("How cells are linked"). When the sheet is hidden, no one (not even you) can destroy or modify a relationship.
Make a temporary menu button (that appears when the workbook is activated, and goes away when the workbook is deactivated) that will hide/show the sheet with a password, so you can make changes to the relationships.
When it's hidden no one (not even you) can change the relationships.

Note: Though the cells are random and each cell creates a relation to be viewed, once relationship is established, changes are very less often. I may keep adding data, which i am happy to add in cells and relation manually( that list may grow enormously).
No need to do it manually. I'll set it up so that when you select a relationship, all cells in it will change color, and you will double click cells you want to add or remove from the list.

If i were to circulate dynamic cell linkage list you propose, i have a doubt, if it stands valid with viewers clicking it to move down and using mouse by mistake.
I know this is because you don't speak English really well.
I don't understand what "if it stands valid with viewers" means, but I think you're saying that you doubt viewers will move things on the worksheets, but I think we can protect against that also.

I really appreciate in thinking much ahead in creating much advanced controls but then i would request two sheets, one to tamper with clicks to see data and other i can enable the cell linkage creation as well.
I think you're asking for a practice sheet. You will be able to create your own sheets and tamper with them as much as you want. I'll set it up on the sheet("How cells are linked") that you can delete a list when you want, so you can tamper as much as you want, then just delete the list when you are done.
Nothing I set up will do anything to your data anywhere in the workbook. The only things it will change are the lists on sheet("How cells are linked"). The only thing it will change on your data sheets will be the cell colors, and you can always manually remove all cell colors at once (without changing any data) if you need to.