Hi Guru Foxguy,
I apologize, this is totally my mistake, i own up.
Please have a look at the second speadsheet, you will realize what i am trying to do.
My real time application is very close to it, I have project to work, features to work, people are assigned to work. People are assigned to multiple work. A feature is dependent on other features. This tool you give me will help me to click on the cell (which could be feature, module, project, resource assigned).
How to tell software the cell and linked cells relation ?
I have added a second sheet "How cells are linked", please tell me if this helps.
In that sheet, i would feeding data, cell and cells linked to it, the color to be displayed (if not then the default color). The cell clicked is highlighted to user so that he knows what cell relation he is watching.
This way there are no prompts to user at all.. Please let me know what do you think, advice me.
-- Nandu