I am having a problem that has been KILLING me. I know how to create a hyperlink by right clicking on the cell>Hyperlink>"Place in This Documet">Type the cell reference>OK
This is easy, but I have 600 of these to do. Auto fill for =hyperlink function is needed.
I am wanting to reference the cell to itself and when the hyperlink in clicked excute using the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim cDwg As String
Dim myCell As Excel.Range
Set myCell = Target.Parent
Debug.Print myCell.Address, myCell.Value
'Name of hyperlink title in excel file
If Target.Name = "Search Swift" Then
<My code here>
End If
End Sub
I can link to the code above using the right click method and the code runs fine, but I can't get it to work using =hyperlink in the cell method.
I tried using the following method and it does not link the code:
=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address",Sheet1!F14),"Search Swift")
Can this be done......what am I doing wrong?
Any help would be appriciative.