Im useing the below date string code to insert dates into set filepaths.
Im just looking for a piece of code that will take the middle 2 charactors (eg. 07-05-10 middle two = 05) and change the month in the below filepath accordingly.

Drive\Folder\Folder\Breakdowns\2010\05_May\" & strDate & "\filename " & strDate & ".xls

Any help would be apreciated, cheers.

Sub DateField()

If TextBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Enter This Weeks Date")
NoDate = True
Exit Sub
NoDate = False
ThisWeekDate = TextBox1.Value
End If

End Sub

Sub AssignPathsToVariables(strDate As String)

Dim filepaths(100) As Variant

Drive\Folder\Folder\Breakdowns\2010\05_May\" & strDate & "\filename " & strDate & ".xls

End Sub