Hello all!
I'm a novice when it comes to macros and would greatly appreciate any help with regard to my matter. Basically, I'm importing historical stock prices into excel, and want to sort the data based on rectangular regions. There are particular dates that I want to search for (earnings date), then select a region 30 rows above, and 20 rows below, copy and pasting this in a new location.
I have attached a file where I have two sheets. The first (Sheet "C") shows the data that I manually sorted based on earnings dates. The second sheet (Sheet "ADBE") shows the data as it is imported, and I have included some earnings dates at the top, which I would manually input for stock. Once all earnings dates were input, I would then run the macro to search the stocks, select the rectangular region based on the dates, then place each rectangular region beside the same quarter of the previous year...ie, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, being able to scan from left to right seeing any patterns for say 1 day before earnings, 1 day after earnings, year after year.
Red = earnings dates
Yellow = 30 days after earnings
Green = 200 days prior to earnings
I basically want to be able to sort the data side by side for each year, which makes it tough. I need to be able to do this for 100's of stocks so this would be a huuuuge help if anyone has any pointers or has any suggestions. I think the attached file will make things a bit clearer, and I'm happy to elaborate or answer any questions. Thanks in advance!!