I hv report in excel file as attached and want to make another report file sort in Dest(I), Date(K) and Type(L).
Due to Autofilter cannot working and copy-paste will be take long time, so please help building a macro for this problem.
The output should be like this :
I(Dest),K(Date),L(type), A,B,C,D(d1,d2),E(e1,e2..e4),F,G,H,J
Another problem is in colom A,B,C. As you see row 8-22, these colom are empty, because they're same type as row7.
While new report if sort base on Dest, these colom should be not be blank but must accordance to the upper data (row7).
Sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand.
Thank in advance![]()