I had to make some changes to this to fit my data sheet. but it will not run the macro.What have I done wrong.
The data I need to copy is in the range D3:V66.
Any column of this data could have a reference to the row in the master data sheet. So I included these rows in the macro.
When I try to run it it highlights the "option Explicit" line and says "Invalid inside Procedure".
Sub pastemanyrowsinsequence()
' pastemanyrowsinsequence Macro
' Macro recorded 30/04/2010 by Roger
Option Explicit
Sub BruteCopyChange()
Dim CopyRNG As Range
Dim CopyCNT As Long
Dim CopyNum As Long
Dim NextRow As Long
CopyCNT = Application.InputBox("Copy how many times?", "Copy Count", 10, Type:=1)
If CopyCNT = 0 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set CopyRNG = Range("D3:V66")
NextRow = 67
For CopyNum = 1 To CopyCNT
CopyRNG.Copy Range("D" & NextRow)
Range("D" & NextRow & ":D" & NextRow + 63 & _
",E" & NextRow & ":E" & NextRow + 63 & _
",F" & NextRow & ":F" & NextRow + 63 & _
",G" & NextRow & ":G" & NextRow + 63 & _
",H" & NextRow & ":H" & NextRow + 63 & _
",I" & NextRow & ":I" & NextRow + 63 & _
",J" & NextRow & ":J" & NextRow + 63 & _
",K" & NextRow & ":K" & NextRow + 63 & _
",L" & NextRow & ":L" & NextRow + 63 & _
",M" & NextRow & ":M" & NextRow + 63 & _
",N" & NextRow & ":N" & NextRow + 63 & _
",O" & NextRow & ":O" & NextRow + 63 & _
",P" & NextRow & ":P" & NextRow + 63 & _
",Q" & NextRow & ":Q" & NextRow + 63 & _
",R" & NextRow & ":R" & NextRow + 63 & _
",S" & NextRow & ":S" & NextRow + 63 & _
",T" & NextRow & ":T" & NextRow + 63 & _
",U" & NextRow & ":V" & NextRow + 63 & _
",V" & NextRow & ":V" & NextRow + 63).Replace What:="$3", _
Replacement:="$" & 3 + CopyNum, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
NextRow = NextRow + 64
Next CopyNum
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I set the copy count to 10 to try it out,on the first ten data ranges.