I have a column of codes that I require to put in a new sheet and copy them 64 times before the next code is put in. Can anybody help
I have about 2100 rows in column A of the main sheet
I have a column of codes that I require to put in a new sheet and copy them 64 times before the next code is put in. Can anybody help
I have about 2100 rows in column A of the main sheet
Last edited by Butehawk; 05-01-2010 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Attachment did not load
you're running XL2003
2100 codes * 64 lines = 134,400 lines (plus 2 since you're starting on line 3)
since you only have 65,536 lines in XL2003 where do the remaining entries go?
copied down
adjust ranges to suit.
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@ carsto
Never thought of that!
I was running XL2008 on my mac but it was so slow that I fired up my PC to try and get out of a rut.
Might have to go back to the mac.
Could I put the extra onto sheets 2 and 3 by splitting the data?
Regards Roger
Last edited by shg; 04-30-2010 at 06:13 PM.
I like NBVC's formula...put here's one of my macros tweaked for your use...it creates as many sheets as needed.
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That made 3 sheets for me from 2100 codes in about 3 seconds.
Last edited by JBeaucaire; 04-27-2010 at 02:11 PM.
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I have a list of 64 rows of text in one column, that I need to copy in block one below the other 2100 times. It comes from a sheet called "location Components Test" and has to go in the same workbook to sheets called Codes 1 to codes3. It is to be located in column B on these sheets and comes from sheet 1 starting at C3:C66.
any help much appreciated.
Like so:
You can add this line to the bottom of the first macro to call this macro automatically:![]()
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Great this worked you are a Master my friend.
I now have a bigger more complicated , at least in my mind it is, problem.
I have to get the relevant data from the 2100 rows of data to go where I need it on my new codes sheets.
At the moment I have hand input the data for the first one and linked it to my master data sheet " CUNN_MASTER (CODED)" .
The data that needs to be copied and pasted is in the range "D3:U66".
This data comes from row 3 on my master data sheet.
The linked data for line 3 has the referance '[CUNN_MASTER (CODED).xls}Main"$"Column Number"$3
Every time the range is pasted I have been changing the row number by "replacing" the $ "row number" by row +1.
This is very time consuming.
Can you help>
Last edited by NBVC; 04-28-2010 at 10:15 PM.
Can't say I follow any of that. Care to demonstrate with a clearly demonstrative sample workbook?
Last edited by JBeaucaire; 04-29-2010 at 01:19 PM.
I attach the sheet I should of.
Sheet 1 shows what I am after from an extract of "Cunn-Master(coded)"
I have added 3 lines from this workbook to sheet 2 to let you see what I have done.
Is this any help?
Last edited by shg; 04-30-2010 at 06:12 PM. Reason: deleted spurious quote
Sorry, I have no idea. Perhaps you should close this thread and start your new question in a new thread. New threads garner the most attention from contributors.
Ok Thanks for your help so far.
I rushed what I was asking and it probably did not make sense. Hard to concentrate after a hard day at work.
Last edited by shg; 04-30-2010 at 06:12 PM. Reason: deleted spurious quote
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Removed. Due to posting in wrong place.
Last edited by Butehawk; 05-01-2010 at 05:19 PM. Reason: Wrong place
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