Hi forum, I have another questions about textboxes.
I'm trying to create a userform to insert data in a worksheet.
The user has to choose a macro-category and add multiple items (read lines of data) for such categorized list, I store the data in multiline textboxes to allow the user to complete the data entry and still view all the lines entered.
Since the lines for each data entry may be more than I can show in the textbox window I opted to set the scrollbars to vertical to allow the user to scroll through the lines.
The functioning is fine, but I would want the adjacent textbox to scroll as well when the user trigger one of them..is this possible? Would it be possible even if I had more than one textbox to update? Listboxes best suit this achievement?
I attach a dummy worksheet which was updated with the previous thread resolved by RoyUK and another increment sub I created.
thanks again for your help