Hello everyone. Can you apply a variable that is defined in a VBA module, sub macro, to a formula in an excel spreadsheet. If so, how do you go about doing this?
Hello everyone. Can you apply a variable that is defined in a VBA module, sub macro, to a formula in an excel spreadsheet. If so, how do you go about doing this?
Last edited by AnthonyWB; 04-19-2010 at 03:49 PM. Reason: Fix thread title.
You could output the variables value to a cell and the formula can then reference the cell.
To fully answer your question you need to provide more detail about what you are trying to do and why.
A global variable, "fPriorDate" , is declared as a string, and is determined by another global variable fDate, which is "gathered" from a user via an InputBox. For instance if the user enters 31-dec-2009, then fDate = "31-dec-2009" and fPriorDate = "30-nov-2009". A folder called fDate & "_157" is then created. Within the "fDate & "_157" folder are two workbooks, one called "CDS.xlsm" and and another called fDatePrior & "_CDS".
Now here is the kicker, a third workbook, in the same folder, called Formulas needs to reference (using vlookup, and performing some calculations) both the "CDS.xlsm" and fDatePrior & "_CDS" workbooks.
Please see the excel formula below. But instead of having a hard-coded-dates, as seen below I need the formul to utilize fDate and fPriorDate.
=IF(VLOOKUP(D2,'L:\31-dec-2009_157\Support_Summaries\[CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175,3,FALSE)="divide",O2*VLOOKUP(D2,'L:\30-nov-2009_157\Support_Summaries\[30-nov-2009_157_CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175,2,FALSE),O2/VLOOKUP(D2,'L:\31-dec-2009_157\Support_Summaries\[30-nov-2009_157_CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175,2,FALSE)) .
If you outputted the details to a cell you could then reference it.
You would need to use the INDIRECT formula to build the reference to include the cell containing the value, as text.
A1: =31-dec-2009
=IF(VLOOKUP(D2,INDIRECT("'L:\" & A1 & "_157\Support_Summaries\[CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175"),3,FALSE)="divide",O2*VLOOKUP(D2,'L:\30-nov-2009_157\Support_Summaries\[30-nov-2009_157_CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175,2,FALSE),O2/VLOOKUP(D2,'L:\31-dec-2009_157\Support_Summaries\[30-nov-2009_157_CDS.xlsm]CDS'!$H$3:$J$175,2,FALSE))
Is it possible for me to set a range say "AV1" in the formulas sheet to be equal to "fPriorDate", As String, that is in the date format that it is in, for example 30-nov-2009 (It cannot be converted into a number !), and then use that , cell value in the vlookup?
Last edited by AnthonyWB; 04-19-2010 at 11:51 AM.
Yes and the same logic of building the reference using cell and static values would be applied.
Note that the other workbooks will need to be open for the formula to work.
Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.
How is the Indirect formula utilizing fDate and fPriorDate?
It's not directly. You have to store the contents of those variables in a cell.
You could write a user defined function to return the values, seeing as your VBA variables are public.
But as RS points out the use of INDIRECT will require all workbooks to be open.
Andy, and Rompstomper,
So I can set, for instance cell, AV1 in the Formulas workbook = fDatePrior ? Is this done in the VBA module, or is it hardcoded into the actual workbook? It seems the latter would cause a Name? error.
Please see the code below for a larger picture of what I am doing:
Option Explicit Dim fDate As String Dim fPath As String Dim fDatePrevious As String Dim fPriorDate As String Sub CreateFolder() '*********************************************************************** 'CreateFolder() macro creates the folders for the 157 Automation process. 'This includes a monthly rollover folder. '*********************************************************************** Dim Fldr As String Dim ErrBuf As String fDate = Application.InputBox("Enter a date in the format shown:", "Date to add...", Format(Date, "DD-MMM-YYYY")) If fDate = "False" Then Exit Sub fDatePrevious = DateSerial(Year(fDate), Month(fDate), 0) '********************************************************************** 'Formula used to calculate the prior month. '********************************************************************** fPath = "L:\" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "Support_Summaries" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_wTA" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Roll_forward_12m" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "Terminated" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "L3_IDA" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "157_Reports\" & "IBRD_L3" MkDir Fldr Fldr = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "105_Reports" MkDir Fldr If Len(ErrBuf) > 0 Then MsgBox "The following folders already existed:" & vbLf & vbLf & ErrBuf Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ErrBuf = ErrBuf & vbLf & Fldr Resume Next End Sub ___________________________________________________ Sub MoveFilesFolder2Folder() '*********************************************************************** 'MoveFilesFolder2Folder() copies all files from the prior months,_ 'Support_Summaries folder and pastes them into the current months 'Support_Summary folder. '*********************************************************************** Dim fso Dim sfol As String Dim dfol As String fPriorDate = Format(fDatePrevious, "DD-MMM-YYYY") '*********************************************************************** 'Changes the format of the PreviousDate format. '*********************************************************************** sfol = "L:\" & fPriorDate & "_157\" & "Support_Summaries\" dfol = fPath & fDate & "_157\" & "Support_Summaries" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next If Not fso.FolderExists(sfol) Then MsgBox sfol & " is not a valid folder/path.", vbInformation, "Invalid Source" ElseIf Not fso.FolderExists(dfol) Then MsgBox dfol & " is not a valid folder/path.", vbInformation, "Invalid Destination" Else fso.CopyFile (sfol & "\*.*"), dfol ' Change "\*.*" to "\*.xls" to move Excel Files only End If If Err.Number = 53 Then MsgBox "File not found" End Sub ___________________________________________________ Sub CreateFiles() '*********************************************************************** 'CreateFiles() macro creates the two most important files that are used,_ 'in Phase I of the 157 Disclosure process: 105_Version1.xlsm and CDS.xlsm. '*********************************************************************** Dim sPath1 As String Dim sPath2 As String Const sFileOut1 As String = "105_version1.xlsm" Const sFileOut2 As String = "_CDS.xlsm" sPath1 = fPath & fDate & "_157\105_Reports\" sPath2 = fPath & fDate & "_157\Support_Summaries\" fPriorDate = Format(fDatePrevious, "DD-MMM-YYYY") Workbooks.Add With ActiveSheet .Name = fDate & "_105_v1" .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath1 & sFileOut1, _ FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _ CreateBackup:=False .Parent.Close End With Workbooks.Add With ActiveSheet .Name = fPriorDate & "_CDS" .Parent.SaveAs Filename:=sPath2 & fPriorDate & sFileOut2, _ FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, _ CreateBackup:=False .Parent.Close End With End Sub ___________________________________________________ Sub CDS_Roll_Over() '************************************************************************* 'CDS_ROll_Over() takes the prior months FX rates via "Common Data Stores,_ 'or CDS", and places them into the prior months 157 disclosure folder in,_ 'the Support_Summaries subdirectory. '************************************************************************* Dim sPath1 As String Const sFileInp1 As String = "CDS.xlsm" Const sFileInp2 As String = "_CDS.xlsm" Dim wb1 As Workbook Dim wb2 As Workbook sPath1 = fPath & fDate & "_157\Support_Summaries\" Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open(sPath1 & sFileInp1) Range("A1:E200").Copy Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(sPath1 & fPriorDate & sFileInp2) With ActiveSheet .Range("A1").PasteSpecial End With wb2.Close SaveChanges:=True End Sub
Andy: You could write a user defined function to return the values, seeing as your VBA variables are public.
How do you go about doing that?
Last edited by AnthonyWB; 04-19-2010 at 01:34 PM.
I was able to pass the variable from the VBA code to that excel spreadsheet doing the following:
Sub Update_Formulas_Data() '*********************************************************************** 'Update_Formulas_Data() macro assigns the global variable, fPriorDate,_ 'to the cell "AV1" in the formulas workbook. Indirect formulas then,_ 'reference cell "AV1" in order to update the data that will be used to,_ 'in the proceeding macro. '*********************************************************************** Dim sPath1 As String Dim wb1 As Workbook Const sFileInp1 As String = "Formulas.xlsm" sPath1 = fPath & fDate & "_157\Support_Summaries\" Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open(sPath1 & sFileInp1) Range("AV1").Value = fPriorDate Range("AV1").NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yyyy" End Sub
I am attemting the following formula in the spreadsheet, where AV1 has assumed the value passed on from the variable fPriorDate. I am receiveing an error. Do I still have to use the indirect method. Anyone?
vlookup(D2,'[AV1]30-Nov-2009_CDS'!$B$3:$D$175,3,False) = "divide", o2*vlookup(d2,'[AV1]30-Nov-2009_CDS'!$B$3:$D$175,2,False),o2/vlookup(d2,'[AV1]30-Nov-2009_CDS'!$B$3:$D$175,2,False))
I have solved the VBA part, I am moving the remaining question over to Worksheet functions. Thanks
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