I need help writing a macro to copy and paste data based on criteria in a loop.
Data to be copied starts in Row 25 and ends in Row 66 at the word "Stop"
The criteria for each example is shaded in blue in rows 2&3(New Rating and Old Rating).
Starting with the first example- If the New Rating =Buy and the Old Rating = Initiating then copy all rows from 25:66 that have Buy in column D and Initiating in column E. Then paste these rows as values into the data input starting in A87.
The results should now appear in A8:D22. Next copy and paste as values these results into F8:I22.
Clear the data from the data input and then go to the next example. New Rating=Buy and Old Rating = Neutral
I would like a macro to loop through every example.
Does this make sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!