Thanks for your quick reply. Let me summarize again what I'm trying to do (and my apologies if I'm becoming bothersome)...

The code should 1/ take one worksheet from one workbook, copy the 'legitimate' values (no underlying formulas, which it seems to be doing), and paste into a new workbook. From there code should 2/ create eight new worksheets and 3/ sub-divide the data (copy and paste) from the imported worksheet into various worksheets. Parts 2 and 3 are doing exactly what I want - copying and pasting only the values. However, Part 1 is somehow still considering the underlying formulas to be data. I think I need to dim the data range in a similar way to the PartsLR and FaultLR, but I don't know how that can be done.
By the way the other code you supplied to speed up the execution is working great!