I'm not sure if my title explains what I am trying to ask,

I am attempting to write code to copy data from nonadjacent cells of one worksheet to a worksheet in a different workbook. I have written the code to copy and paste all of the data except one section of data that comes from a userform listbox. Two codes for the listbox are
Private Sub cbNames_Click()
Dim nItem As Long
For nItem = 0 To lbNames.ListCount - 1
    lbNames.Selected(nItem) = cbNames
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUseNames_Click()
Dim msg As String, i As Integer
    msg = ""
    With ufPersonnel.lbNames
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            If .Selected(i) Then
                msg = msg & .List(i) & Chr(59) & Chr(32)
            End If
        Next i
    End With
    Sheet1.Range("P_O_S_View").Value = msg
    Call AllProtect
    Unload Me
End Sub
The worksheet that is receiving the data is on the idea of a logbook. I have a column for each member and in each row I put a "1" in the cell if they were present and the cell is left blank if they were not. At the bottom of each column is a formula that calculates the percentage of calls present compared to the toltal number of calls.

In the worksheet that will be sending the data, the names that are checked in the listbox are dumped into a merged range of cells with semicolons between them. I need to be able to paste a "1" for each name that is selected.
If someone has an idea of how to do this, I would really apreciate the help.