How can I get macro1 to launch when a cell named "ChangePercent" changes to TRUE and that cell is not located on the active worksheet?
How can I get macro1 to launch when a cell named "ChangePercent" changes to TRUE and that cell is not located on the active worksheet?
Last edited by skysurfer; 03-25-2010 at 12:30 PM.
What will trigger the change?
Hope that helps.
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Thanks for the quick reply! It will most likely be the result of a formula. That is, if the cell in named range "ChangePercent" calculates to = TRUE, then macro1 is triggered.
But where will the formula be?
The formula will be in "ChangePercent" located on the Excel-named worksheet Sheet8.
Then use the Change or Calculate event of that sheet to run the macro. Attach a workbook for further help
Okay, I've come across some code that got me there. Made a few mods and here it is!
The code monitors a specific cell and if that cell changes, it triggers a macro (in this case, cell formatting). The benefit of this code is that you can trigger the macro when only ONE cell changes and not when there is any change to an entire spreadsheet of cells (which could slow things down significantly if there are a lot of calcs on that spreadsheet).
As you can see, this code works for ANY change in the cell. A number value change or a change from TRUE to FALSE.
Thanks for your feedback! It lead be down the right path.
Last edited by skysurfer; 03-25-2010 at 12:32 PM.
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I did that. Is not registering???
I'll try it again...
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