I'm sorry but I don't think it's clear what you're trying to do. The formula in BN4 can be copied to any cell in coulmn BN, automatically preserving all relative references to the row. It looks like that's what you've already done. For example, if you copy the formula in BN4
=IF(YEAR($AE$2)<YEAR(AQ$1),BO4/((1+AQ4)^(BG4)),(IF(YEAR($AE$2)>YEAR(AQ$1),0,(IF($AL4>AR$1,(IF($AE$2<AQ$1, (BO4/(1+AQ$2))/((1+AP$2)^AQ$3),BO4/((1+AQ$2)^AR$3))),(IF($AE$2<AQ$1,(IF($AL4>AQ$1,(BO4/((1+AQ$2)^YEARFRAC(AQ$1,$AL4)))/((1+AP$2)^AQ$3),BO4/((1+AQ$2)^$AY4))),BO4/(1+AQ$2)^$AY4)))))))
and paste it to BN 99, you will get
=IF(YEAR($AE$2)<YEAR(AQ$1),BO99/((1+AQ99)^(BG99)),(IF(YEAR($AE$2)>YEAR(AQ$1),0,(IF($AL99>AR$1,(IF($AE$2<AQ$1, (BO99/(1+AQ$2))/((1+AP$2)^AQ$3),BO99/((1+AQ$2)^AR$3))),(IF($AE$2<AQ$1,(IF($AL99>AQ$1,(BO99/((1+AQ$2)^YEARFRAC(AQ$1,$AL99)))/((1+AP$2)^AQ$3),BO99/((1+AQ$2)^$AY99))),BO99/(1+AQ$2)^$AY99)))))))
I cannot imagine what you are doing in Word. Excel has a find & replace command, but you don't need it, because Excel will automatically update your relative references when you copy & paste a formula.
Your formula is complex enough and mixed with absolute and relative references that it seems you must understand how this works, but I can't figure out how else to intepret the question. What do mean by "change required cells"?
I'm not sure you need a macro at all. Can you be more specific about what you need to do?