Hi Matthew
The problem is that the cell D1 has a formula '=TODAY()' as a result the date in the cell is not available on the other sheet.
I have added some additional code, to let you know that the date has not been found.
Sub rename()
Dim wsMain As Worksheet, wsSum As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set wsMain = Worksheets(1)
Set wsSum = Worksheets(2)
wsMain.Name = Replace(wsMain.Range("D1"), "/", "") & " " & Left(wsMain.Range("B2"), 5)
For Each rng In wsSum.Range("A3:AE3")
If wsMain.Range("D1") = rng.Value Then
col = rng.Column
Exit For
End If
Next rng
If col = "" Then
MsgBox "The date " & wsMain.Range("D1") & " cannot be found on the summary sheet"
For n = 1 To wsMain.UsedRange.Rows.Count
wsSum.Cells(3 + n, col) = wsMain.Cells(1 + n, "F")
Next n
End If
End Sub