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Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

  1. #1
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    Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

    I am hopelessly trying to get a simple combo list to work.

    The table is on Sheet 2. User must be able to pick width first, then depth combo list should pop up and then once depth is chosen, the corresponding part number should pop up in the same window.

    If someone could help me out with this code, I'd really appreciate it. I have about 20 sheets with as many tables that need to be managed on individual userforms and then finally linked with a main page userform. That I think I've figured out but I can't get these combo boxes to work.
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    Last edited by EK1; 03-05-2010 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

    I think VBA and user forms is overkill for this problem. Please see the attached and see if this gets you want you need using just Excel worksheets.

    If you're dead set on using userforms I can take a second look and help with that.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

    Thanks for that. That works but the problem is that sometimes, the table could be referenced like a family tree basically with about 5-6 levels and then finally the table would be used. Up until then, the user should be able to navigate and find different parts of the product and through the different branches in the program. I was thinking of doing that through userforms. If I could somehow incorporate tables into userforms also, then the entire program would look good and be very simple to use.

  4. #4
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

    I went back to work on your original request, please see attached. To do a full-blown solution would take more time than I can offer, but hopefully this shows you how to do it. I think you'll see why I suggested a worksheet solution; you need a bit more code than what you anticipated.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Help with userform (trying to read data from table into combo list)

    Thank you Jazzer. You're right, this might be a bit beyond me at this point and I'll stick to drop down lists, etc.

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