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ExportAsFixedFormat misalignment of chart data

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gsmitman ExportAsFixedFormat... 03-01-2010, 02:28 PM
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    ExportAsFixedFormat misalignment of chart data

    This one should be easy, but I can't fix it and am asking for help.

    I have a client that wants to be able to publish *.pdf versions of select sheets within the workbook. Two worksheets have overlapping charts on them. The charts, when I push to *.pdf, do not line up. (In fact, they look odd, with axis, labels, etc. out of place)

    I can push a chart to a Chart1 page, but I have overlapping charts (I show an overlay on an earned value progression chart).

    Here's the simple code:

    msg = "Publish to PDF format?"
    Dialogstyle = vbQuestion + vbYesNo
    Title = "Save *.pdf Report"
    RESPONSE = MsgBox(msg, Dialogstyle, Title)
    If RESPONSE = vbYes Then
    FileName1 = InputBox("Please input filename", "Filename", ProjectName & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & ".pdf")
    ' I was able to export, as an image, the single chart. It looks okay as an image
    ActiveChart.Export "test.png"
    ' This doesn't work, and I know why:
    'ActiveSheet.Export "test2.png"

    ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
    FileName1 _
    , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
    :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True
    End If
    'This seems extra:
    If RESPONSE = vbNo Then
    End If
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