I am new to macros. We are using some macros which is running perfectly fine in excel 2003 but in 2007 it is throwing error in following function. So can you please help on this.
The error comes at line
Set objLabe2 = cht.Labels.Add(dblXPosition, dblYPosition, intLength, intHeight)
in following function (this line don't create any error if excel 2003 installed on my machine but if excel 2007 installed then it says unknown exception occured in the system.
Sub CreateLabelAtPositionOnGraph(dblXValue As Double, dblYValue As Double, strText As String, Optional intHeight As Integer = STD_LABEL_HEIGHT, Optional intLength As Integer = STD_LABEL_WIDTH, Optional intNudgeUp As Integer = 0, Optional intNudgeDown As Integer = 0, Optional intNudgeLeft As Integer = 0)
'Creates a label on the active chart at a poisiton ref given in terms of the chart
'e.g. if the x axis is a date the paramter will be sent as ( e.g. cdbl(cdate("30 April 2004"))
'In reality the label goes about 8 points above the graph position
Dim cht As Chart
Dim objLabel As Object
Dim Xleft As Double
Dim Ytop As Double
Dim Xwidth As Double
Dim Yheight As Double
Dim dblXPercentage As Double
Dim dblYPercentage As Double
Dim dblXPosition As Double
Dim dblYPosition As Double
Set cht = ActiveChart
Xleft = cht.PlotArea.InsideLeft
Xwidth = cht.PlotArea.InsideWidth
Ytop = cht.PlotArea.InsideTop
Yheight = cht.PlotArea.InsideHeight
dblXPercentage = (dblXValue - mdblXmin) / (mdblXmax - mdblXmin)
dblYPercentage = (dblYValue - mdblYmin) / (mdblYmax - mdblYmin)
dblXPosition = Xleft + Xwidth * dblXPercentage
dblXPosition = dblXPosition + intNudgeLeft
dblYPosition = Yheight * (1 - dblYPercentage) '1- because it goes from the top
dblYPosition = dblYPosition - intNudgeUp + intNudgeDown
Set objLabe2 = cht.Labels.Add(dblXPosition, dblYPosition, intLength, intHeight)
objLabel.Characters.Text = strText
End Sub