Anyone knows if there is a built-in-function in VBA checking if an array has zero length or not.

I have tried:
* LBound - Creates an error if the array is zero length which I want to avoid
* IsArray() - Always TRUE indpendent of zero length or not
* InNull() - Always FALSE indpendent of zero length or not

I have written a function bQuery_ArrayZeroLength() using LBound() with error handling which works. Code pasted below. I just want to know if there is a built-in-function for this.

Run Sub MyTest() below to execute code.

Option Explicit
Sub MyTest()
    Dim avTest() As Variant
    'Array still "zero length"
'    Debug.Print LBound(avTest())                   'Creates an error if array is zero length
    Debug.Print IsArray(avTest())                   'Always True independent of zero length or not
    Debug.Print IsNull(avTest())                    'Always False independent of zero length or not
    Debug.Print bQuery_ArrayZeroLength(avTest())    'Own written function that works
    'Array not "zero length"
    ReDim avTest(3)
    Debug.Print LBound(avTest())                    'Creates an error if array is zero length
    Debug.Print IsArray(avTest())                   'Always True independent of zero length or not
    Debug.Print IsNull(avTest())                    'Always False independent of zero length or not
    Debug.Print bQuery_ArrayZeroLength(avTest())    'Own written function that works
End Sub

Function bQuery_ArrayZeroLength(avMyArray() As Variant) As Boolean
'Checks if avMyArray() is a zero length or not

    Dim lSize As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    lSize = LBound(avMyArray)
    If Err.Number > 0 Then bQuery_ArrayZeroLength = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function