It's easy enough to do, but how do you determine what the last row is? Is there a flag, or some other way to tell? If so, it can likely be incorporated into the macro.
It's easy enough to do, but how do you determine what the last row is? Is there a flag, or some other way to tell? If so, it can likely be incorporated into the macro.
That's my problem. There is no flag. The only way I can identify what the last row is to go to the beginning of the cell, hold down the <shift> <end> and then arrow downn key. That will bring me to the last row, but how do you save that reference and incorporate it into the macro autofill range?
Ok... so you have a column of data, and you want the filldown to the end of that column?
Essentially you just said that you use Shift+End+DownArrow. I'm assuming that's because you're at the top of a column of data, and you want to select all the way down to the end of that column. Yes? If so, based on your example is that column AR?
You might try something like:
Range("AR4:AW" & Range("AR" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).FillDown
Almost. But still can't get it. Here is an example
......A .....B.......C..............................AR.........AS..........AT.......AU.......AV......AW
The spreadsheet would always have values in the first couple of columns. In this case, my last row row is row 10. I would then need to autofill columns AR:AW through row 10.
I tried you last suggestion, but it only filled one extra row.
Last edited by; 02-20-2010 at 12:37 AM.
You missed part of my post then.
Based on your latest post, that is column A (or B or C). So change the code to:If so, based on your example is that column AR?
This will find the last used row in column A, and use that to set the filldown limit.![]()
Range("AR4:AW" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).FillDown
It worked.Thanks so much. -Marie
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