Hello there!
I´m having some trouble on calculating some restatements..
I´ve several indexes (in %) for each month/year and I need to calculate a final value based on that.. the result would be the Initial value plus the value based on the sum of the indexes for the period described. For example:
Initial Value: U$ 1,000.00
Beg date: May/2009
End Date Oct/2009
Then I have a column filled with the indexes for each year/month, follows:
May/2009 - 0,07%
Jun/2009 - 0,10%
Jul/2009 - 0,43%
Aug/2009 - 0,36%
Sep/2009 - 0,42%
Oct/2009 - 0,05%
Sum of the period informed = 1,74%
The calculation would be the sum of these indexes (1,74%) multiplied by the initial value, plus itself. (U$ 1000 + 1000*1,74%) But I don´t know how to make excel understand the interval beetwen the period and sum the according indexes, once I have different values, dates and indexes for calculation informed.... do I have to use VBA on that?
I don´t know if I made myself clear, but if anyone has any idea about it i can answer your doubts! I would really appreciate!! I can attach an example if need as well!
Thank you so much!!