I have read up on this and understand that a macro can be saved as an add in file (.xla) and installed as an add in so that a macro can be shared & run from any users machine. I have familiarity with macros, but virtually none with add ins.

Having never used add ins before....I am stuck at a particular step in this process.

I have saved the workbook containing the macro as an .xla file.
I have installed the add in.
I have customized my menu to include Add Ins.

Now. I am going to explain this as a newbie....to try to convey what the difficulty is for me.

When I wrote the original macro, if I wanted to run it, I went to the macro menu, and ran it. Period.

Now, even though I have selected my "macro1 add in" and "installed" it....I have no idea how to "run" my macro within my new workbooks. When I go to my add in menu, I see the name of the add in there....but no means of "running" the add in....(that may not make any sense, but is just how it appears to my newbie eyes) conversely, when I go to view my Macros, the macro is NOT listed.

My question is really this: How do I run the darn macro I just went to all that trouble to save & install as an add in???

Thanks so much for any help. I am using EXCEL 2003.