Hi all,

I have one sheet to act as a splash page for user input. The second sheet stores all relevant data. My goal is for the user to input a numerical value in a cell (or input box) and then click a submit button. The code for the macro should look at a cell on sheet 1 which displays the primary key of the row in the table on sheet 2. Based on that primary key, it should look to sheet 2 and then insert the value into the table in the correct row and column. The column headings are the days of the week, and the specific day the user is concerned with is also displayed on sheet 1.

Sheet 1:

A1 = Day of the week
A2 = Unique primary key
A3 = user input value

Sheet 2:
Rows=primary key (001 - 999)
Columns = days of the week (Monday - Friday)

user inputs '5' on sheet 1 with 'Tuesday' and '007' selected in their respective cells.
I would then like 5 to be copied to B7 (row 7 for 007 and column B for Tuesday).

Can anyone provide some clues or guidance on the code needed to make this work?

Thank you in advance for any help.
