I have OneDrive and have never had any problem running macros in files saved to it.
How are you accessing these files - via your computer desktop or dirrectly from the cloud?
Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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NB: as a Moderator, I never accept friendship requests.
Forum Rules (updated August 2023): please read them here.
Yes Ali, you are the reason I "upgraded" to Onedrive. Your question is irrelevant; it does not matter how I access these files, they should run regardless on Desktop/ cloud.
I also have the unrecommended & dangerous box ticked.
Attachment 853112
When someone is offering their time for free to help solve your problem, you owe it to them to treat them courteously. No question is irrelevant. I have seen many threads solved through questions that the OP doesn't think are important. If someone is asking for help because they couldn't solve a problem on their own, they may not know what's relevant and what's not.
Ali was completely within her authority to delete your post, which was uncalled for.
Further such incidents can result in infractions, temporary bans, or a permanent ban.
FWIW I cannot reproduce your problem. When I open a macro-enabled file on OneDrive I get prompted with a yellow banner that macros are not enabled and I get the option to enable them.
What happens when you switch the setting to enable macros - do they run then?
So, I guess it must be my fault, then?Yes Ali, you are the reason I "upgraded" to Onedrive.
They would not run if you were trying to run them from the browser interface, but I presume that's not what you are trying to do.they should run regardless on Desktop/ cloud.
I'll leave it to someone who won't ask 'irrelevant' questions.
By the way, my Trust Centre settings are the same as yours.
Is this a file from somewhere else whose macros you are trying to run? If so, have you enabled them?
With the file in question CLOSED, right-click it and make sure the option to enable macros is checked.
Viz. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/de...iles-you-trust
Last edited by AliGW; 12-20-2023 at 03:22 AM.
All suggestions done prior to posting.
- The screenshots indicated a desktop environment.
- One does not need to covariantly specify permissions if the contravariant parent directory has permissions with subfolders enabled (pic showed "Documents" as a root folder; reasonable assumption that most files being working on will be children of the Documents folder)
- Enabling all macros by default should not be done (as per allowing trusted locations on my network). Yes this will run the macro but nobody should need to turn this setting on & they should run if they have the permissions set in the Trust Centre.
You clearly feel I'm unqualified to help you, so I'll step down.
Needless to say (again), I am not the one having problems - it wll works fine for me.
The link I gave you is to a page explaining the increased secirity measures imposed in Office 365 - if you have issues with the way this works, then you'll need to tackle Microsoft directly.
It baffles me that you think it's OK to be so patronising to someone who is simply trying to help you.
Happy Christmas!
There was nothing rude about that comment; it was stating accurate impersonal fact. Moderator is just embarrassed.
The moderator has no need to be embarrassed. The moderator has the same Trust Centre settings as you do, uses OneDrive all the time and has no issues at all running macro-enabled workbooks. It is the person asking the questions who is not able to get macro-enabled workbooks to run.
I have tried to help - you have thrown that attempt to assist back in my face, suggesting that I don't know what I am talking about. You are entitled to that opinion, but you should keep it to yourself: making scathing remarks about others here, even if you think they are justified, will not be tolerated.
There was no scathing in that remark - it was unpersonal stated fact.
Now this may be a little below the line but I think you are abusing your moderator's powers in deleting my comment. What amazes me is the hypocrisy - every day citing rules in a patronizing arrogant tone for pedantic rules. If answering with superfluous irrelevant answers which info has already been stated in opening posts then is not against the forum rules I don't know what is. Removing my previous comment shows the moderator is abusing the system to save face.
As you have accused me of abusing my moderator powers, I have asked the Admins to look at this. They will have the final say.
2 very senior members of this forum have tried - and been unable - to replicate your problem. That seems to indicate that the problem is on your end, and that perhaps you need to dig a bit deeper from your side?
I totally agree with Jeff that your comments towards Ali - who has gone out of her way to help you - are out of line and will not be tolerated here. If you feel you are being unfairly treated, then perhaps our forum is not the place for you?
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